Mid-year giving statements have been mailed out. If you didn’t receive yours, or have questions about your statement, please contact Christine Wiggins in the church office. Thank you for your generosity that supports our mission!
We welcome and celebrate kids in worship! Our new worship cart is ready to go! Kids are welcome to use the items during worship; everything has been thoughtfully picked to help enhance their learning and experience of worship. All our young people are invited to decorate their very own worship bag during Fellowship time today!
Do you have any *very* gently used highchairs, rocking chairs, or gliders hanging around that you would like to give to the church? Talk to Pastor Chelsea or Betsy Beach.
A Worship Ministry Team Meeting will be held this Tuesday, September 12 at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome! If you have any questions, contact Lynn Phipps.
The Presbyterian Women Horizon Bible Study Group will be meeting the 2nd Wednesday of each month starting on September 13 at 10:00 a.m. rotating between Radcliff and First Presbyterian Church. September 13 will be in the Fellowship Hall here at First Presbyterian Church. We will be studying Sacred Encounters: The Power & Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke & Acts. Please contact Becky Brecht at 270-234-6562 if you would like a book for $10 each.
The VIPs are meeting for lunch and fellowship on Friday, September 15 at 11:30 a.m. at Green Bamboo. Please call Lois Wilcox at 281-989-2980 to RSVP or if you have questions. Everyone is welcome!
Attention elders: We are seeking an elder commissioner to the September meeting of Mid-Kentucky Presbytery, Mon, Sept 18, 1:30-4 pm, Cedar Ridge Camp and online. Rev. Jimmie Hawkins of the PCUSA's Office of Public Witness will be the guest preacher and speaker. Talk to Pastor Chelsea if you are available.
TODAY we begin a new focus in worship, where we will follow the “big story” of the Bible for a year, using the Narrative Lectionary. We will go from Creation through the early Christian church. The scriptures we will explore show the breadth and variety of voices within Scripture. They invite us to hear the stories of Abraham and Sarah, Moses and the prophets, Jesus, and Paul. This year we'll be moving through Year 2 of the Narrative Lectionary which means we'll focus on the gospel of Mark in the Spring after spending the fall and early winter in the Old Testament.
"Every Child a Family" donations may be given through the PCUSA. Please make check payable to the "Presbyterian Church (USA)." Mail check to: Presbyterian Church (USA), P.O. Box 643700,Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700. Include a cover letter with the account # for the gift: E051625 Vulnerable Children, Congo. "Every Child a Family" gifts can also be processed safely online through https://www.presbyterianmission.org/donate/e3051625/.