A CALL FOR GREETERS – A church greeter is “the first and last person people see when visiting a church” and is the face of any church ministry, which makes it one of the most important jobs in the congregation! As such you reflect the devotion, reverence, and joy of encountering God in our worship service. Are you looking for a light-hearted way to help the church and only have your Sundays to spare? This might be the perfect way for you to serve Christ’s people! For more information, please contact Terri Thomas, terrikmt@hotmail.com
A BIG THANK YOU to Lynn & Dave Phipps for creating a beautiful and organized worship storage area and cleaning out the sacristy! This will help our Worship Team to know where things are, and in turn this helps us all to worship God more fully.
We are looking for nursery-preschool assistants for Sunday mornings. You could volunteer once a month on Sunday from 10:00 A.M.to 11:00 A.M. for class. You will work with the present teacher, Vicki Johnson. If you would know someone who would be able to do this every Sunday as a paid job, that is also an option. Talk to Chelsea if you’re interested.
Would you like to learn how you can help the church grow? The Session is beginning a study later this month on the book Unstoppable Outreach: Can’t-fail Strategies for Congregational Growth. Pastor Chelsea has extra copies of the book for anyone who is interested.
This year, the Creation Care Team is focusing on community education of sustainable lifestyles and knowledge of God’s creation of nature through a partnership with Greenspace. The CC Team and Greenspace will soon plan 3 or 4 community education programs. We need you as a team member to help us carry out this mission! Text Or call Jackie Gerard for more information or to join (270-766-9805).