The Session is receiving new members into the life of the congregation on Sunday, December 10 at 9:15 am. Talk to Pastor Chelsea if you would like to make this step in your faith journey.
Advent, the season where we prepare for Christmas and Christ’s birth, begins today. We have devotionals, books, and candles in the lobby to guide you on your journey.
Um, what is Advent?
“Advent” means coming or arrival. This word has a double significance, as in Advent we celebrate Christ’s coming into the world and look with longing for his coming again. The season of Advent begins with an emphasis on final things (eschatology). We watch and pray with expectant hope for the establishment of God’s justice and the return of the Prince of Peace. As the weeks of Advent progress, the focus shifts to thanks and praise for the birth of the one who has already come—Jesus Christ our Savior.
The Doris Dahl Memorial Garden Team meets in the Fellowship Hall tomorrow, Monday December 4, 10 AM. (Please note that this is a change from our customary time because of holiday schedules.) Everyone is welcome to attend.
It's time to place your order for poinsettias that will grace the front of the sanctuary. Please place your order on the Connection Card and include payment of $12/poinsettia. The deadline to order is Sunday, December 10. You may take your flowers home after Christmas.
The VIPs are meeting for lunch and fellowship on Friday, November 17 at 11:30 a.m. at Boom Bozz, 135 The Loop, Elizabethtown. To RSVP, call Sarah Allred 913-206-1044. Everyone is welcome!
Help care for our neighbors by serving on our FPC Room in the Inn Team: The Outreach Ministry Team is following God’s leading and organizing a team of FPC volunteers for Room in the Inn, our community cold-weather shelter for those experiencing homelessness. Our team will serve on December 5 & 19, along with the first and second Tuesdays of January and February. There are a variety of roles available, including providing snacks or breakfast, staying overnight, and praying for the ministry. If you are interested in serving in any capacity or have questions, contact Joy Swope. (
It’s the most wonderful time of the year to share our many blessings, and one way is our annual cookie bake for the staff at Helmwood Health Care Center. Deliver cookies to the church office on Tuesday, 12/19 or Wednesday, 12/20 between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm. On Thursday, 12/21, we will bag cookies and decorate the bags at 9:30 am in Fellowship Hall. All are welcome to help! This year, our cookies are for staff only, so eliminating nuts should not be a problem. Sign up on the Connection Card or on the “sign-up table” if you can bring 3-4 dozen cookies. Blessings to you from the Spiritual Nurture and Outreach teams.
Can you spare around 20 minutes after worship on Sunday? We are looking for more offering counters. After being trained, you can sign up for any Sunday that works for you. There are 2 counters each Sunday, so you’ll never be on your own. To serve in this capacity, you must be 18 years, a member of FPC, and willing to learn the process. You can indicate interest on the connection card or talk to Dani Cole, FPC treasurer. (
Support our Youth!—The TK Stone Middle School band concert is Monday, December 11, at 6:00 pm at the Elizabethtown Performing Arts Center (E-PAC).
Give the gift of WELCOME! Greeters and ushers are needed for our Christmas Eve services to welcome worshippers with abundant hospitality. For the 10:00 am service, greeters will need to arrive at 9:30 am and stay until 11:00 am. For 7:00, arrive at 6:30 and stay through around 8:15 pm. Training and guidance will be provided. Sign up after worship today in the lobby.
We are on a prayer journey as a faith community, and Session invites you to contribute to our FPC Prayer Wall by adding prayers of gratitude, petition, and “God Mail,” or answered prayers. During Advent, you can find the prayer wall, post-its, and pens in the Fellowship Hall.
We will be collecting the Christmas Joy Offering through the end of December. The Christmas Joy Offering has been a cherished Presbyterian tradition since the 1930s. The Offering distributes gifts equally to the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions and to Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color. Offering envelopes are in the pew racks.