The church office will be closed on Thursday, November 24 and Friday, November 25, for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Donations for Affordable Christmas are due TODAY! If you want to volunteer to help sort and shop or to help out on sale day, Saturday, December 2, talk to Pastor Chelsea or Joy Swope.
Alphabet of Gratitude—This November, we practice gratitude together using the alphabet! Materials for all ages are available in the lobby, and we will also share access via email. Bring completed books to church next week for a special prize!
You're invited to a Christmas decorating party at 9 AM, Saturday, December 2. We'll begin with coffee and donuts, and progress to tinsels, trees, bows and stars as we make the church look merry and bright! Many hands make light work; we will finish before noon. If you have questions, please ask Jena Simmons or Lynn Phipps.
It's time to place your order for poinsettias that will grace the front of the sanctuary. The cost is $12. Please fill out the available bulletin insert and include an amount to cover your order. If you choose to do so, you may take your flowers home after Christmas.
Messy Church is coming! Save the date of December 9, 10-11:30 am and plan to attend or volunteer!
Help care for our neighbors by serving on our FPC Room in the Inn Team: The Outreach Ministry Team is following God’s leading and organizing a team of FPC volunteers for Room in the Inn, our community cold-weather shelter for those experiencing homelessness. Our team will serve on December 5 & 19, along with the first and second Tuesdays of January and February. There are a variety of roles available, including providing snacks or breakfast, staying overnight, and praying for the ministry. If you are interested in serving in any capacity or have questions, contact Joy Swope. (
Can you spare around 20 minutes after worship on Sunday? We are looking for more offering counters. After being trained, you can sign up for any Sunday that works for you. There are 2 counters each Sunday, so you’ll never be on your own. To serve in this capacity, you must be 18 years, a member of FPC, and willing to learn the process. You can indicate interest on the connection card or talk to Dani Cole, FPC treasurer. (