We will have a retirement party for Jim Barnard NEXT, Sunday, January 23, following worship. We are collecting gifts and cards for him. Plan to celebrate Jim’s long and faithful ministry at FPC as music director.
We share the sad news of the death of FPC member, Bob Beatty, earlier this week in Arizona. Plans for a memorial service are pending.
The Chapel Class is taking a “Sacred Pause” right now. Thank you to Cynthia Miske and Jackie Gerard for sharing their gifts as teachers for the class! Stay tuned for a survey about spiritual formation opportunities at the church that will help the Spiritual Nurture team make decisions about how to move forward.
We are looking for more volunteers to be in the rotation of people who count the offering after worship each Sunday. If you are interested in learning more, talk to Chelsea or Dani Cole.
Thank you to our esteemed group of painters for adding some fresh life to our preschool classrooms: Kermit Olive, Ann Kelley, Fred Rucker, and Brenda Livesay. Your hard work is very appreciated!
We welcome Frank Richmond as our new music director and accompanist! Make sure to welcome him! We will share more about him in the coming weeks to help you get to know him.
We welcome Dani Cole as our new church treasurer. Thank you for stepping up to use your gifts in this way! Thank you, too, to Doug Smith for his service this past year as treasurer and coordinator of the offering counters. Your faithful ministry has really helped the church!
Pastor Chelsea will make a donation to a non-profit organization for each Connection Card we receive from now through the end of January. Indicate on the Connection Card on the back of your bulletin which of these organizations you would like to receive a gift in your honor. So far, here are the totals: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance KY Tornado Relief ($55), Warm Blessings ($80), CASA of the Heartland ($10), and Feeding America Kentucky’s Heartland (0).
