Our Room in the Inn Team is having a quick meeting following worship TODAY in the Activity Room. We will check in and go over roles for our next night of our serving, this Thursday, February. We only have two more opportunities to serve this season!
Spiritual Growth Survey—help us plan spiritual formation and growth opportunities this year by filling out our survey. A link has been sent out, but if you’d like to fill it out on paper, you can take home a copy today.
We are searching for friendly and reliable nursery-preschool assistants for Sunday mornings. You could volunteer once a month on Sunday from 10:00 11:00 A.M. for class. You will work with the present teacher, Vicki Johnson. If you would know someone who would be able to do this every Sunday as a paid job, that is also an option. Talk to Chelsea if you’re interested.
The Living Waters for the World Guatemala team will meet Saturday, February 12, at 10 am on Zoom. Contact Bob Swope ( ) for the Zoom link.
Do you have pictures of church events? Please send them to or text them to 812-360-3444.
Would you like to learn how you can help the church grow? The Session is beginning a study later this month on the book Unstoppable Outreach: Can’t-fail Strategies for Congregational Growth. Pastor Chelsea has extra copies of the book for anyone who is interested.
There will be a gathering soon to discuss caring for the FPC pollinator garden this year. If you are interested in learning more about the garden and how you might get involved, contact Jan Rucker at