Join our mission to serve boldly and build real relationships: submit your pledge card indicating your estimated giving to the church in 2023. Thank you for your generosity!
The church office is closed Monday, December 26 & Monday, January 2.
Pastor Chelsea is on vacation December 25-December 31. Contact the office if you are in need of assistance.
THANK YOU to our Christmas elves and helpers who made cookies, made cards, packaged cookies, colored cards, and generally added cheer to our Christmas cookie outreach project! Our team delivered them to the staff and residents of Helmwood Healthcare. One neat aspect of this project is that we also built relationships through it—our Messy Church participants decorated many of the cards along with our Sunday School children, and then guests of the day shelter at Warm Blessings decorated the rest. We worked together to share our gifts!
Thank you to everyone who helped out with and prayed for our first two weeks hosting Room in the Inn! Our next night is January 3, 2023.
Help fill the manger! Warm Blessings has requested donations of men’s socks and Hot Hands hand warmers for their guests. We’ll be collecting through January 7.
We will be collecting the Christmas Joy offering through the end of December. The Christmas Joy Offering has been a cherished Presbyterian tradition since the 1930s. The Offering distributes gifts equally to the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions and to Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color. Offering envelopes are in the pew racks.
We are on a prayer journey as a faith community, and Session invites you to contribute to our FPC Prayer Wall by adding prayers of gratitude, petition, and “God Mail,” or answered prayers. You can find the prayer wall, post-its, and pens on the table in the lobby in front of the sanctuary.