Monday, September 5, the church office will be closed in observance of Labor Day.
Want to know more about the church or are you thinking of joining the church as a member? Talk to Pastor Chelsea; we are gauging interest in a new member class.
Calling all pet owners! This month we are highlighting our church family and their furry/scaly friends on our social media. We are looking for pictures of you with your pet; if you are willing to submit a photo to be used in this way, please text or email your photo to Chelsea at 812-360-3444.
Scam warning—As a reminder, Pastor Chelsea will never ask via text message or email for you to buy her gift cards. Unfortunately, scammers love to impersonate pastors, so if you receive a message that seems off, make sure to check the phone number or email address to see if it really is from Chelsea.
Would you be interested in serving as a teacher for our children’s Sunday School class once a month? Curriculum and instruction are provided, and the kids are so much fun! Talk to Lin Linder or Betsy Beach, or another member of the Spiritual Nurture Team, to explore this option.
There is a sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall to sign up for refreshments after church. Thanks in advance from the Spiritual Nurture Ministry Team.
We are looking for volunteers to count the weekly offering. If you are interested, please contact
Dani Cole at (270) 528-6665.
Presbyterian Women Bible Study will be meeting on September 28 at 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We will be studying “Celebration Sabbath: Accepting God’s Gift of Rest and Delight”. Cynthia Miske will be leading the study. Books will be available for $10 each. We plan on meeting the fourth Wednesday of each month September – May. All are welcome to attend. If you have any questions, call Becky Brecht 270-234-6562 or JoAnn Winkenhofer 270-763-7883.