Volunteers needed! We need people to help greet, run activities, and hand out snacks and treats at our community Storywalk event on April 9. No special expertise is needed, and don’t worry, we’ve already found someone to be the Easter bunny!
Hospitality is so important to being a welcoming community of faith. Sign up to be a greeter on Easter on the back of the connection card!
Candy donations needed! We are collecting Easter candy for an outreach event on April 9 and for the egg hunt following worship on Easter Sunday. Candy donations can be dropped off on Sundays or during the week in the church office. We will be collecting through April 8. Thank you!
Do you have artificial sunflowers? We are looking to decorate the Fellowship Hall with them and would welcome any you have as donations or to borrow for the rest of Lent.
“The arts are the leading edge of culture and a window into reality. Within the life of the church, artists point us toward eternity.” Whether through paint, fabric, sculpture or sound, metaphor or movement, throughout our lives we have all benefited from artistic expression to uphold, embrace and challenge our faith. Are you an artist who has a witness to share, a statement to make or a message to send?
This congregation wants to enrich our spiritual experience, raise our consciousness, and increase our devotion to the Triune God. We invite you, dear artist, to share your Spiritual gifts and inspirational messages with us. To find out more, please contact Lynn Phipps,
Self-Healing with Jin Shin Jyutsu continues Mondays March 28, April 11, and April 18 4:00-5:30…2 Mondays a month 4:00-5:30. More dates to follow as desired. TOUCH OF HEALING by Alice Burmeister/Tom Monte will be the guide. At least some classes will begin with a self-help meditation, followed by focusing in the text and questions. Everyone’s participation wilsent.
We are looking for nursery-preschool assistants for Sunday mornings. You could volunteer once a month on Sunday from 10:00 11:00 A.M. for class. You will work with the present teacher, Vicki Johnson. If you would know someone who would be able to do this every Sunday as a paid job, that is also an option. Talk to Chelsea if you’re interested.
Make sure you check out last Monday’s News-Enterprise to see our own Frank Richmond featured as Monday’s man! `
Coming Soon:
April 16—Pollinator garden work day
April 23—Messy Church celebrates Easter!
April 20—Creation Care Class: How to Raise Monarch Butterflies, taught by Ann Kelley